Scholarships to India
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(These scholarships are coordinated by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), New Delhi. It is advised to visit web site of the ICCR ( for further information about studying in India.)


Schemes for NRIs/PIOs
For the purpose of mutual benefit of NRIs, PIOs and the Indian economy, the Government of India has initiated various schemes. Overseas Indians are open to various investment opportunities and can save taxes by the way of investments. Indian Government also provides scholarships for the children of Indian Diaspora and offers excellent education prospects for them. The Indian Government thus makes it clear that despite being away from their land, Indian Diaspora is an essential part of the progress of the country. Surf through this section to have a detailed study of the schemes offered by GOI to NRIs and PIOs.
o Scholarship Programme for Diaspora children
o DASA Scheme

Scholarship Programme for Diaspora children
The scholarship Programme has been introduced by the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, Government of India. Ed. CIL (Education Consultants of India) is the nodal agency that looks after and facilitates this Programme for Diaspora children. The objective of the 'Scholarship Programme for Diaspora Children' (SPDC) is to make available India's highly developed higher education system to Children of Indian Diaspora (PIOs and NRIs) living in select countries. There are ample facilities for higher education in India. The scheme also aims to strengthen ties between Indian Diaspora and Indian culture. SPDC is applicable for undergraduate Programmes for Professional and General Courses (except Medical and other related courses). Financial assistance towards tuition fees, admission in select institution and courses, post admission services is provided.
The scheme is applicable for Indian Diaspora concentrated in the following 40 countries:

Reservations for NRIs
The Indian Government provides opportunity to the children of Non-resident Indians to study in India. For this purpose, 1/3 of the 15 per cent supernumerary seats in educational institutions (except medical) are reserved for children of NRIs in the Gulf and South East Asia.
More details on this scholarship Programme (255 KB) (PDF file that opens in a new window) .

DASA Scheme
DASA stands for Direct Admission to Students Abroad. This Government of India has designated the Educational Consultants of India Limited (Ed.CIL) as the coordinating agency for carrying on the DASA Scheme. Under this scheme, deserving foreign nationals/ Persons of Indian Origins (PIOs) and Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) are given direct admission to undergraduate Programmes offered by the National Institutes of Technology and other centrally funded institutes (other than IITs) and Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh

Through this scheme, the Government of India aims to provide quality education to the children of overseas Indians in the field of Engineering and technology.
More details on DASA scheme (External website that opens in a new window)


Ed.CIL has been designated as the  'Coordinating agency and Single Window facility' for the direct admission of eligible Foreign Nationals / Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) / Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) to undergraduate engineering programs offered by the National Institutes of Technology (formerly Regional Engineering Colleges) and other centrally funded institutions (other than IITs) and Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh,  under the Direct Admission of Students Abroad (DASA) Scheme.  The institutions covered under this scheme are known for providing quality education in Engineering and technology.  All these institutions have reasonably good facilities for accommodation, sports and extra curricular activities.

Institutions covered under DASA

Under DASA Scheme 2007-08, admissions are offered to the following institutions:

National Institutes of Technology
"         Following 15  National Institutes of Technology (formerly Regional Engineering Colleges) located in various states of India.

Institutions covered under DASA

Under DASA Scheme 2007-08, admissions are offered to the following institutions:

National Institutes of Technology
"         Following 15  National Institutes of Technology (formerly Regional Engineering Colleges) located in various states of India.

Other centrally funded Institutions:

Other Institution:

All these institutions are "Deemed Universities" and have good facilities for accommodation, sports and extra curricular activities.
Under DASA Scheme, admissions are offered to Foreign Nationals / PIOs / NRIs who fulfill the following eligibility criteria:

"      Candidates must have passed the qualifying examination i.e. senior secondary or any other examination equivalent to 12 years of schooling in India.

"      Must have minimum aggregate marks of 60% or 6.75 CGPA on 10 point Scale or Equivalent Grades in all the subject of the qualifying examination.

"      Indian nationals seeking admissions should have studied abroad for a minimum period of five years (including the qualifying examination  ie XI & XII Standards) during the last eight years.

Fee Structure under DASA Scheme

Registration Fee
"      A non-refundable registration fee of US $ 350 is required to be paid along with the application form.

Tuition Fee
"      Tuition Fee US $ 4000 per annum (Excluding hostel accommodation & other miscellaneous fees.  Expenses for these will be in the range of US $ 300 - 400 Per Annum).
"      Foreign Nationals from SAARC Countries seeking admission under DASA Scheme are given special concession of 50% fee waiver in the Tuition Fees provided they have studied in SAARC Countries only.

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